About me

I am currently a lecturer at Anhui University, Hefei, China. I was previously a Post-Doc at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Teoh. My research at Yonsei was funded by the South Korea Brain Pool (BP) Program and my research at Monash was funded by the MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Fellowship (I am a BP fellowship and MSCA fellowship awardee). My research focuses on image processing (both medical and natural), computer vision, and pattern recognition.

I received my Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, where my main advisor is Prof. Jin Zhe, and associate advisor is Prof. Wong KokSheik. Before that, I received my B.Sci. degree in Biology from Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China, under the supervision of Prof. Yang Zaiqing. I was briefly enrolled (2014.8-2014.12) as a Ph.D. student in molecular metabolism at Virginia Tech (Virginia, USA). I also have some Java software engineer experience.

During my Ph.D. (2018-2021), I visited and worked with EU professors as a visiting Ph.D. student under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions through the IDENTITY project. Including Prof. Jean-luc Dugelay at EURECOM, France, Prof. Massimo at University of Sassari, Italy, Prof. Andreas at Salzburg University, Austria. I visited and worked with Prof. Guo Zhenghua at Tsinghua University, China, under the Monash Global Research Excellence grant. I also spent a wonderful intern time at TCL Research in 2021.

Please feel free to use my Public PGP Key when you email me.

:fire: I am proudly a participant in a charity project (蓝信封行动,留守儿童关爱中心) and was interviewed by this project, see the interview at here.



  • 研究生入组前需参加一次编程测试和文献汇报,在我们组认真开展研究的师兄师姐,其成果远超学校的基本毕业要求,因此团队对研究生毕业要求比较高,且注重论文质量而非数量。
  • 工作环境:实验室除了提供优秀的基本学习和生活环境以外(师兄师姐非常supportive),也提供较好的计算资源。实验室现有学生20多名(含本科生), RTX3090, P40 等各种服务器工作站(>24块并持续建设新的服务器中),同时也租用了学校HPC平台的A800/V100s服务器(16块A800,10块V100),计算资源充裕。
  • 团队要求成员严格遵守学术规范。所有发表论文都要将代码开源(商业项目除外)。
  • 需要你有积极向上的心态,永不言弃的精神,主动学习爱动脑的钻研能力。

Accepting master students and research interns (AHU students only), we offer:

  • interesting research topics, and cutting-edge research projects, not only focus on research publications but also seminal discoveries and impactful achievements for society;
  • collaborate with top-tier institutes, such as HKUST, Yonsei, Monash;
  • assist you in finding interns from top-tier companies;
  • flexible scheduling of working;

We expect you:

  • be self-motivated
  • coding is just a piece of cake for you
  • be responsible and positive
  • fluent English reading and writing is preferred but not a must

Courses Taught:

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (ZJ52014)
  • Introduction to Robotics (ZH52011)
  • Natural Language Processing (ZH52405)
  • Java Technology and Applications (ZX52340)
  • Natural Language Processing Lab (ZH52405)
  • Digitial Image Processing (Postgraduate student)

  • Java Technology and Applications (ZX32004/ZX32005)- affiliated with JiangHuai College


  • [2022/07/02]   Our one work on cancellable face identification is accepted by Pattern Recognition. :new:
  • [2022/07/01]   Our one work on Palmprint and Palmvein recognition is accepted by IEEE IoT. :new:
  • [2022/03/02]   Our one work on low-light image enhacement is accepted by CVPR 2022. Check the source code. :fire:
  • [2022/03/02]   Our one work on video action recogntion is accepted by CVPR 2022. :fire: